Health (S155) - This one semester course includes very practical presentations of the human body. Special emphasis is given to the importance of moral purity, including a study of God’s moral code as found in the Scriptures. This strongly Bible-based material has been preached and taught to young people with tremendous success for several years by a fundamental Baptist preacher.
Dynamic Biblical Living (S156) - This Scripture-based course deals with issues vital to enabling our Christian young people to develop into solid and mature Bible-knowing and God-loving Christians. The course deals with preparing one’s heart and mind for gleaning truths from the Word of God. Then, it progressively teaches how to correctly interpret Scripture and to practically apply its teachings to our lives. This is a one semester course. Each complete subject set includes everything you need for one student for one year. Because the set is complete, you are assured that Study Guides, Study Guide Answers, Test and Quizzes, and Test and Quiz Answers are included and are the latest edition available.
Dynamic Biblical Living (S156) - This Scripture-based course deals with issues vital to enabling our Christian young people to develop into solid and mature Bible-knowing and God-loving Christians. The course deals with preparing one’s heart and mind for gleaning truths from the Word of God. Then, it progressively teaches how to correctly interpret Scripture and to practically apply its teachings to our lives. This is a one semester course.
Each complete subject set includes everything you need for one student for one year. Because the set is complete, you are assured that Study Guides, Study Guide Answers, Test and Quizzes, and Test and Quiz Answers are included and are the latest edition available.